Oct 28, 2010

Oh Halloween

Smokey ended up taking his trip to the PetCo the other day for the costume contest. Although he was not dressed as a pumpkin, at the last minute I was unable to locate the fabric (I'm convinced he'd hidden it). So I was forced to improvise and with some help from my mom (as I'm not much of a seamstress), we made him into 'Halloween Night.'
Of course once we got there, Smokey was his charming self, everyone wanted to pet him and he didn't mind a bit. No one had a bad word to offer, just lots of oogling and awing over how cute he was with his hat on. Although he was the only cat that showed up (along with about 13 dogs and 3 guinea pigs), he didn't win (had it been audience choice, I think he would have). Although one of the guinea pigs (Jake dressed as a commando) won 3rd place.
Speaking of this spooky holiday, with its arrival, I had a chance to complete the first in my line of Smokey Creations greeting cards. Usually when I begin working on something, any project really, I'll make sketches before hand, trying out several different ideas. This card however came to me pretty quickly and there wasn't much of a before hand process.

My original idea varied slightly from the one you see below, but with a few changes, I think it has a much more appealing look. And here you can see how my process went from a sketch, to the finished card.
Original Sketch
Finished Card

Oct 22, 2010

What A Cat!

Went to the CVS today to get some pictures printed of Smokey to hang up at the house. Now like any good parent, I never boast about my cat, unless otherwise prompted to. After the pictures came out, the lady ringing me up just had to look at them, so I was more than happy to share. Mostly the lady was taken by his paws. Big paws for a big cat.
I guess you could say today was his 'preview' day out. Tomorrow one of the pet stores is having a Howel-o-ween costume contest for the pets. So I've decided to dress up my little fluffy and take him down. I mean, who can resist those eyes? The only downside is I haven't yet made his costume! He's going to be going as a pumpkin, which shouldn't be too hard to whip up first thing in the morning. The contest starts at 2PM, let's hope he can make it on time, otherwise I'm defaulting to plan B, he's going to be a cat.

Oct 20, 2010

Cat Influence

Growing up I've always had cats, I think at this point I've had at least 16 cats. A lot of people (mostly those who've never had the privilege of being owned by a cat) might think that, well a cat's a cat right? But they aren't every cat has its own and very different personality. I don't think any of my cats have ever been the same, which is great. each and every one of them has brought a new something to my life. And although at this point in my life, all but one of my cats is still around, he has proven to be the most influential not only on me, but on my art.

B&W of Smokey, published in the local paper.
Although through my time in college, my art hardly ever reflected my beloved Smokey, it was never hard to spot a doodle of him on a page of notes, in the corner of a sketch book, or find pictures of him around my apartment. Now home, and spending all my time around him, it seems he is the only thing I find myself drawing, be it small cartoon doodles, or quick realistic sketches. it would seem I've caught Smokey fever. But honestly who wouldn't? This cat is full of personality and spunk, although watching him sleep 85% of the day one might not think so.

I knew when Smokey was born he was going to be a special cat. His mother had had a previous litter of kittens (3) of which all were girls, and then she had his litter (6). Out of the 9 kittens, he was the only boy, what are the odds? On top of it, he inherited his mother's 6 toes, giving him a very distinctive look, not to mention the ability to open cabinets and the occasional door.

Smokey (very top) and his 5 sisters at about 3wks old.

Thinking back now, its hard to imagine Smokey every being so small, as it was nearly 10 years ago. How time does fly. Who would have imagined that back then he would be such an influence on my work? I'm now creating a line of "products" which will be titled Smokey Creations, all of which will bare his image. All though I expect it to be a long process, I know it will be one I shall enjoy.