Aug 25, 2012

Mr. Picky Pants

We are now in mid August, almost to September, I'm not sure who is eating up all of my time. Perhaps its Smokey, since, he's being so picky and not eating anything else. Except the occasional juice from his canned food ( we waste way too much ) and some dry food after picking out what he dislikes. Which is actually quite amusing to watch.

Smokey fished his initial regiment of steroids for his throat and was doing much better, but it was obvious that as soon as they wore off, he reverted to lack of vocalization and appetite. After spending with his vet, Dr. Michael, she decided that it was best to keep him on the half a pill daily, indefinably. Which, in Smokey's case, really just sucks. While we were using Greenie Pill Pockets©, those only worked for so long. Smokey quickly caught on what happened to be in these tasty treats. Now we're on a manual, shove the pill down his throat method.

Smokey riding shotgun home from the vet
Its scary having him on the steroids due to his diabetes. He just went into the vet to have his blood monitored (he'll have to go once a month as long as he's on the meds). When he saw Dr. Sigmund on Friday, he has put on 2lbs. Which normally wouldn't be too big of a deal, but the weight could lead to the diabetes again. Now he's back on his strict low cal, etc diet (which he hates). I'm sure we'll all make it through it though.

Guess he didn't like my driving
My mom and I are planning a trip to TN, possibly, and we'd be taking Smokey up with us. It might be fun for him, besides the new surroundings, my uncle currently has 3 kittens at his home. Its been a long time since he's been around other cats. We'll see how it goes, I'm hoping to bring one of them home with us, maybe. I think Smokey might enjoy a playmate.

These are the three kittens at my uncle's place. Sadly, the 4th kitten disappeared (lots of racoons and coyotes about), and just recently their mother, Pickles, went missing as well. So my uncle has taken them in and now has three new cats. I'm still not sure their genders, but love the little black kitten. I haven't had a black kitten since my cat Lollipop left. And the stripe twins look a lot like Smokey's sister, Dusty. But we'll see what happens, or if we even visit. I'm sure my uncle could use some help with 3 little kittens.

1 comment:

  1. I keep looking for updates - and some new pictures! where are they - because that Smokey gets cuter everyday ! I think he is about ready for a distraction - a new little sister perhaps? :-) I'm ready if you and Smokey are!
