Jun 3, 2012

Silent Nights

On May 18th, Smokey lost his voice. He has taken his required medication and yet still remains fairly silent. The good news is he has begun some speech again. From being one of the most talkative cats I know, to a quite creeper, has been hard adjusting to. Right now he's most vocally active when he really wants something, such as a treat or his food. Unlike usual though, his meows are quite, and slightly... off. So until he has fully recovered he is coming up with new ways to get our attention.

When he wants to go outside and I am heading towards a door, he will dash in front of me just to make sure he gets there first or if no one is around he will use his paw to bang the shades against the door. Its quite obnoxious. Now when he's hungry he's come up with a very... unique way of letting me know he's hungry. As you can see by his paws, he has strategically lined up bits of his food in some sort of pattern. And that look on his face means, "why are you taking my picture, you're suppose to be feeding me!"
We are still hoping his full meow will return soon. We are likely going to take him back to his vet tomorrow to get a check up and make sure things are still okay. I've got my suspicions that it may have something to do with his shedding. While we are transitioning from 'winter' to spring/summer I know that cats and other mammals are busy shedding their thicker coats. Strangely he seems to be shedding much more than usually and has itchy skin. Which has led him to more constant grooms. This of course has resulted in an unusually large number of hairballs for him. Probably 6 over the course of a few weeks.
I'm hoping that might be the reason for his 'sore throat' and that it will be an easy fix. I want to hear him meowing again, and I also really don't want to keep cleaning up hairballs all over the house!

I am still not up to date with any of my Smokey projects, as I have been busy with other art projects, classes and clearing out our house. I am planning to work on a painting of Smokey as soon as I find the room again to work on it. But as is Smokey's nature, he doesn't care what it is that I'm working on, he likes to be ever so helpful. Right now I'm currently working on 4 different blankets, and he likes to help out...in his own special way.

Thankfully he doesn't much care for chasing yarn and rarely does he like to gnaw on it. Cause you know, I really hate crocheting and all of a sudden coming across a wet, soggy bit of yarn. No thank you!

And one final note, mostly just to share a few more cute photos of Smokey. He has in the last month or so decided that cat beds are just not for him. Instead he's taken to sleeping in/on trays. We have several around the house and Smokey believes these to be his. No matter that they might have things on them, like glasses, cups, an iPad, whatever. He will either stare at you till these things are removed from his space, or simply sit down on top of them just to make a point.

There is a tray under his 'cat bed'

Size is never a problem

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